HomeFor New Owner'sHOW TO PAY YOUR ASSESSMENTSClubhouse RentalsForms & DocumentsPoolMeeting AgendasBoard of Directors MinutesContact UsEnergy StatementCoyote InformationArchitectural Requests and Walk Throughs

Fairway Ridge HOA

611 Leonard Drive

P.O. Box 7987

Gurnee, IL 60031




Current Happenings
  • New Fairway Ridge HOA website - (Bookmark this site). We created a new, more modern/user-friendly website. Please start using this new website to get all of your current and new information. There will be links to the new website throughout this site that will take you to the corresponding page on the new site. Here's some of the changes on the new website:
    • Contact information for the Clubhouse and Property Manager work hours will be located at the footer of each page
    • Layout of the content is easier to navigate and read
    • Mobile friendly
    • Forms can be filled out electronically (Download form to computer and use Adobe Reader software to edit the form)

  • The United States flag has been respectfully removed from the pole due to the flag being tattered and will be replaced soon. 

  •  Please remember to pick up after your dog. It's unhealthy and illegal to leave waste behind.

  • Monthly Meetings will be held on TUESDAYS now - Agendas will be posted on the new website (linked above) and on the Community Board outside of the Clubhouse approximately 2 days prior to each monthly meeting. 

  • Nearly all exterior improvements need Board review and approval prior to starting the project. Check the Rules & Regulations or contact the Property Manager for clarification. 
  • All homeowners are required to maintain their property to include regular tree/bush/grass trimming, powerwashing siding, sealcoating driveways, storage of trash cans, and general upkeep of the exterior of their home.   


Fairway Ridge Board of Directors 

Amy Cohen
Lisa Grove
Tim Kalcevic
David Stafford
Adam Werth 


Board of Directors - 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

All homeowners are welcome!

Property Manager 

Erin Lawler-Friedman 

Hours for the week of 3/9:

Monday, March 10: 10-2

Thursday, March 13: 10-2 

Friday, March 14: 10-12 


Phone: 847-816-8447
Fax: 847-816-7654
Email: frhoa@comcast.net