HomeFor New Owner'sHOW TO PAY YOUR ASSESSMENTSClubhouse RentalsForms & DocumentsPoolMeeting AgendasBoard of Directors MinutesContact UsEnergy StatementCoyote InformationArchitectural Requests and Walk Throughs
We created a new, more modern/user-friendly website. Please start using this new website to get all of your current and new infomation.
There will be links throughout this site that will take you to the corresponding page on the new site.

Changes to the exterior of the home require approval from the Board prior to work beginning on the project. 
Please complete and submit the AC Request form along with all the specifications of the project.  Once the Board has had a chance to review and made a decision, you will receive an email notification.

click here to download file

Walk Throughs
Each Spring/Summer season, the Board conducts a series of walk throughs.  This is done to ensure all properties are being kept up to the standards set forth in Fairway Ridge.  All homeowners are held to the same standards.  Some of the things the Board will be looking at are:
Paint of chimney caps, garage doors and trim
Mailbox posts and box
Improperly located or rusted play equipment
Fences in disrepair
Garbage/Recycle Bin storage
Driveway Seal coating or Replacement