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We created a new, more modern/user-friendly website. Please start using this new website to get all of your current and new infomation.
There will be links throughout this site that will take you to the corresponding page on the new site.

Fairway Ridge Homeowners Association (FRHOA) plays a vital role in protecting our homeowner's investment in their residence and property.  In keeping with the laws and policies of the State of Illinois, we support the use of solar energy systems on the rooftops of our Fairway Ridge homes.  All such systems must meet all local an state codes and requirements and receive FRHOA Board approval before installation.
    We presently limit or prohibit the following:
    1.  Ground based solar systems
    2.  Wind energy systems
    3.  Rain colleciton systems
    4.  Composting systems
Please contact the office with any specific questions. 
